Area 83

  • 2021-11-27
  • 20230317_122217
  • 2022-12-10
  • 2022-04-09

Experience the thrill of adventure and the tranquility of nature with Area 83’s wide range of activities, from adrenaline-pumping sports to relaxing nature walks.



08.30 AM​
Departure from School ​
10.00 AM​
Arrival @ Resort​
Welcome drinks on arrival
11: 00AM​
Three Team Building Activities :
Pyramid Builder :A high octane activity meant to test one’s balancing skills and alertness. Pyramid Builder requires the user to drop cups from point A to Point B while balancing on their heads
PipeLine  :This game involves transporting a marble with the help of pipes without letting it drop. This game will improve teamwork among colleagues
Keypunch :Keypunch is an activity in which 30 randomly placed numbered markers must be touched in ascending/descending
Lunch will be provided​
01.15 PM​
Remaining Games : Human Foosball, Kayaking, Swimming Pool Access between 11 am to 4 pm, Access to games like cricket, football, volleyball, etc.
03:30 PM​
Evening Snacks ​
4:30 PM​
Departure to School  ​
06.00 PM​
Arrival at School ​

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